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Bonifiche Ferraresi continues to talk about itself through the “Stories in bicycle” format of the Linea Verde television program broadcast on Rai1, the channel of the Italy’s national state broadcaster. 10 mini-episodes, much appreciated by the great TV audience, reveal how the products of “Le Stagioni d’Italia” are born. Reruns are available on Ray Play, on the website www.lestagioniditalia.it and on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

50’ Of The Great Italian Agriculture


The 10 mini-episodes aired at the beginning of the “Linea Verde” program – the historic program of Italian television channel Ra1 dedicated to the excellence of Italian agriculture – were broadcast for the first-time last September 15 and they will end on November 17. Nearly two million TV viewers have followed the “Stories in bicycle” television format which has already hosted the first series of mini-episodes and, in these weeks, the second is being planned. Each episode has a different type of cultivation as its protagonist, practiced by Bonifiche Ferraresi, and its products branded “Le Stagioni d’Italia”. After the ancient wheat Senatore Cappelli and the pasta supply chain, it was the turn of legumes, rice and officinal herbs. A journey, the latter, that accompanied viewers through the Bonifiche Ferraresi estate in Sardinia, the largest on a national level due to the extension of organic crops, whose soil characteristics and the amount of light available allow to obtain the best raw material to produce excellent herbal teas.

The second and final series of episodes, broadcast from October 20, began with the busy world of bees. In the Cortona estate Erica Furini, Marketing Manager of Bonifiche Ferraresi, tells the host, Beppe Convertini, the honey-making process that “Le Stagioni d’Italia” offers in two variants: millefiori and alfalfa. Erica’s enthusiasm is infectious when she focuses on how to cultivate the fields and how much attention is given to the environment, so that bees recognize their natural habitat and can give life to that great little miracle of nature that only they can produce. Other protagonists of “Stories in bicycle” are the soft wheat, the cereal and rice supply chain, the cultivation of olives and the production of the renowned Tuscan oil.

Speaking of soft wheat, it is interesting to discover that, in addition to the recovery of ancient ones, the Bonifiche Ferraresi activity is also aimed at the study of modern wheat whose research requires, on average, 12 years to obtain a pure grain and produce fine flours type 1, 2 and integral, as explained by Francesco Pugliese, R&D manager of Bonifiche Ferraresi in the episode of October 27. There are always the two travel companions Silvia Cappellazzo – chef and itinerant teacher of natural cuisine – and Massimo Pagano – chef and professor at the Vergani Navarra Institute of Ferrara – who at the end of each episode propose tasty and healthy recipes of the Italian culinary tradition, made with “Le Stagioni d’Italia” products. “The success from the public that our mini-episodes have recorded in the first 5 episodes indicates that the themes linked to territoriality, seasonality, the production processes of different foods, the quality of 100% Italian products – result of a mix of tradition, innovation and respect for the surrounding environment- are the drivers of the choices of the Italian consumer who is increasingly attentive to these factors – commented Antonio Posa, BF Agro-Industrial Sales and Marketing Director.