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On 4 September Teodoro Lonfernini and Stefano Canti, members of the State Congress of the Republic of San Marino, visited our headquarters. They were welcomed by the CEO and company managers who presented Ocrim and the achievements, the supply chain consolidated over the years and future projects.

Ocrim Introduces Itself

September 4th – A part of the Ocrim management hosted, Teodoro Lonfernini (Minister of Labour, Economic Planning, Sport, Information and Relations with the State Public Utilities Corporation) and Stefano Canti (Minister of Territory and Environment, Agriculture, Civil Protection and Relations with the Public Works State Corporation), both accompanied by some members of their staff. After the welcome by Alberto Antolini, Ocrim CEO, the company managers followed one another who illustrated to the guests – through an essential but rich presentation – the history, the main activities, the goals achieved, the supply chain consolidated over the years and future projects. Daniele Zotti, operations and engineering director introduced the company through a brief historical excursus from Ocrim foundation to today and underlined the values, the mission, the vision and the company strategy, then letting Sonia Fiori – Ocrim financial director – speak who highlighted the economic and financial results of the last 10 years. The commercial director, Stefano Mazzini, spoke of the complex demands of the markets, different from country to country, but with a common denominator: having a reliable and innovative partner like Ocrim. The references and ongoing projects in the various geographical areas that the company oversees were presented. Maurizio Galbignani, mentioning the investments in recent years, explained the choice to preside over the Italian agri-food supply chain.

Thanks to the partnership with Bonifiche Ferraresi, the largest Italian agricultural company, and other Italian companies belonging to the Food sector, Ocrim is considered today as a real point of reference for the entire agri-food supply chain. Precisely this project has sparked interest of the two Ministers for evaluating and creating a possible synergy with our supply chain to bring San Marino to be a totally organic farming country, especially in terms of biodiversity and sustainability.

“The relationship between the Republic of San Marino and Ocrim, consolidated over the years, is today the winning path in the post-covid19 industrial revolution”, said The Minister Lonfernini and Alberto Antolini. The Gualdicciolo factory, with its customized micro-productions aimed at Ocrim needs, is today considered one of the most industrialized plants in niche micro-productions. The development of projects and production processes built over the years by technicians of Cremona in synergy with their respective San Marino technicians has now proved successful in the challenge of industrialization defined as “global”.

A brief visit to the Ocrimcore museum followed, where photographic evidence and vintage machinery tell the evolution of the company and the history of Italian costume.