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The July sun shines high in the sky, enveloping everything in its warm golden light. From my cabin, I can see the hills in the distance, clear as ever thanks to the clarity of the air. It’s a clear day, ideal for flying.

I find myself standing still now, in this square, observing a scene that seems to have come out of a photograph. A group of workers is finishing a scaffolding, while a crane lifts a new curved structure. It is a precision ballet, orchestrated by expert hands.

First, from the top of my helicopter, I observed these same scenes from different angles. Every detail, every little movement, told me a different story. From up there, I had an overview that now allows me to fully appreciate what is happening here, on the ground. There is an extraordinary beauty in human industriousness, in the dedication and care with which everyone carries out their task.

The roar of the engines has died down, but the feeling of freedom of flight always accompanies me. I feel part of this great mosaic, aware of my role and the privilege of being able to observe the world from a unique perspective. The hills, the expanses of fields, the crane, the workers: every element is perfectly in its place. And I, standing in my privileged observatory, cannot help but feel a profound gratitude for this July day, so perfect and bright.