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Here we are! There has been great excitement in the company for a few weeks now, we run more than usual but without stress, rather there is an atmosphere of enthusiasm and, if possible, greater collaboration. Succede sempre così quando This always happens when the date of our most important annual event is drawing close: “Wheat, flour and…”.

We have reached the eleventh edition and what began in 2011 as a day to celebrate a territory dedicated to agriculture, has gradually transformed into the most eagerly awaited international appointment by our customers and by the company team itself.

A unique opportunity for meetings, sharing and market insights that is increasingly appreciated and attended. Our community has grown beyond all rosy expectations and today represents a milestone we are particularly proud of, a reality that fully represents our deepest values.

We are in the era of digital connection, we have a multitude of communication channels available, and one might wonder if it still makes sense to organize such an event. We can read the answer in the eyes of our guests, in the vigorous handshakes, in the pleasure of being together and in the comments that express ample and total satisfaction.

Because today more than ever we feel the need to cultivate relationships in a dimension of “closeness”,to balance social communication which has the advantage of always making us feel connected and bridging distances, but at the same time doesn’t allow us to experience the warmth of human relationships, those face to face. Reality and virtual reality run on parallel tracks; they aren’t alternatives, both are needed and we are convinced that our commitment on both fronts helps us to maintain an ever stronger bond with you.

It’s on! Only 15 days until the big day. Stay tuned!

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